Category: Uncategorized
Shelterbag Initiative
What are Shelterbags? A Shelterbag is a lightweight, waterproof, vented swag which includes a mattress and padded hood. They roll up into a 2kg backpack. The Rotary Club of Seaford has purchased 10 Shelterbags at a cost of $93.00 each for distribution by the Southern Adelaide Family Enrichment (SAFE) Centre at Christies Beach to local…
Supporting Suicide Prevention
We’re proud to support The Whisperer Team with The Pub Whisperer and Support Over Suicide program, with a donation of $1,000.00 from the proceeds of the 2023 Seaford Rotary Seaside Walk. Jonathan Hart & Mario McDonagh talked about this important program at our February 1 meeting. Their program includes the training of bar staff to…
Bali Water Tank Site Visit
Our Rotarian Mark Huddleston visited the remote village in Indonesia where our club has partnered with the Rotary Club of Ubud Sunset to provide 100 water tanks to local families. Mark and his family joined local Rotarians Kartika and Laura plus three Rotaractors to inspect the tanks which had recently been installed, and applied stickers…